Slovenian Choir Archive


Established in 2013 the Slovenian Choir Archive is an archive with more than 60,000 units collected within the last half-century. It contains the archive of the choir Consortium Musicum Ljubljana choir and the mostly personal collection of Mirko Cuderman, founder of mentioned choir and recognised Slovene musicologist and conductor. Regular updates such as new songs and other choral literature will be provided by its maintainer – the Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia.


The archive consists of Slovene secular and sacral music magazines issued in Slovenia; Slovene oratories, cantatas, masses, and secular works from Slovene composers; collections of vocal opuses from European composers; collections of Slovene poets from which the texts for the compositions have been drawn; records, tapes, and CDs with Slovene and world choral music; domestic and foreign manuals; and contemporary works of European composers.

The collection is situated in Ursuline Monastery Ljubljana and is available to professional and other interested public during office hours. Sheet music and other material are catalogued and saved in file folders and those further in 100 sq. metres of full closets. All the units will be digitalised and combined with the existing choral library of the Public Fund for Cultural Activities.

See also

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Slovenski zborovski arhiv +
Slovenski zborovski arhiv +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Plečnikov trg 1a +
Established in 2013 the Slovenian Choir Archive is an archive with more than 60,000 units collected within the last half-century. +
Established in 2013 the Slovenian Choir Archive is an archive with more than 60,000 units collected within the last half-century. +
+386 / 59 08 0075 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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